Our Mission

Welcome to IGLEMEN, the Evangelical Methodist Church in Nicaragua. Led by Rev. Guillermo Rios, we are on a mission to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the nation, building vital congregations and equipping transformative leaders. Join us in bringing hope, love, and compassion to those in need and making a lasting impact on Nicaragua’s communities.

About Us

Welcome to IGLEMEN, the Evangelical Methodist Church in Nicaragua. Led by Rev. Guillermo Rios, we are a close-knit community of believers, united in our love for Jesus Christ and our dedication to sharing His message of hope and compassion with all. At IGLEMEN, we build lasting connections, inspire growth, and make a positive impact on the lives of people in Nicaragua and beyond, as we journey together in faith.

IGLEMEN Churches

Our Leaders

Our leaders are the heart and soul of IGLEMEN, sharing the love of Jesus Christ throughout Nicaragua with unwavering passion and dedication. Their  leadership and compassionate spirit will fill your heart with hope and joy as we work together to build vibrant congregations and transform lives.

Rev. Guillermo Rios


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